Athbara House, Co. Cavan | 0494372939 |
We bring together in a single office location the financial products of the major Life Assurers, Investment Houses and Banks in Ireland.
Today, our customers appreciate the fact that we can provide advice on a variety of financial products and where to find them, all in one location and in quick time. The real satisfaction, of course, is in being able to have a one-to-one conversation with an adviser who is free to advise on the offerings of the many companies and providers in the market. With over 35 years’ experience advising clients throughout Cavan, Meath and Monaghan, as well as a well-earned reputation for investment advice, you are in good hands.
Establishing your financial position and circumstances, family commitments, your risk tolerance level, etc.; these are key to giving good advice and making good decisions along with, of course, choosing the right policy/product and provider. In light of this your investment choice can range from one involving little* or no Risk to something involving some low level risk, medium risk or higher risk.
*Note: Depending on individual circumstances and/or personal choice you can opt for Capital Guaranteed investment with moderate growth expectations – generally preferred to ordinary bank deposits.
We are agents for the principal Financial Institutions and providers in Ireland i.e. Banks, Investment Houses, Life Assurance Companies, Pension Providers, etc. and are therefore equipped to advise on a MARKET-WIDE and TOTALLY IMPARTIAL basis.
We give you the time and space to decide on which company and product best meets your requirements.
Warning: Past Performance is not a guarantee of future performance and investments may fall as well as rise.
Lalor Financial Services (James Lalor and Aine McConnell trading as) is regulated by The Central Bank of Ireland.